U and your U-Joints (Lubricate U-Joints)
Posted September 29, 2024 2:15 AMIf your vehicle’s power goes to the rear wheels, then you have something called U-joints in the drivetrain. U-joints are connectors that allow the rotating power from your vehicle’s engine to deliver its power through a driveshaft to make the rear wheels rotate. You need U-joints because the surfaces you drive on aren’t perfectly flat, and the driveshaft has to allow for some flexibility when you are traveling over uneven surfaces.
As you can imagine, the U-joints have to move and flex a lot as your vehicle is going down the road. They have bearings in them to allow that flexibility, and those bearings are lubricated when your vehicle is made. Some U-joints have lifetime lubrication and are not designed to be serviced. When they fail, they have to be replaced. Others have grease fittings on them that need periodic lubricating by a technician at intervals recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer.
There are signs you can look for that your U-joints need attention. You may hear a clunk when the gears shift into drive or reverse. You may feel your vehicle vibrate as you move down the road. Other signs are leaks at the back of your transmission or a banging sound right before you lose power. Sometimes, though, if you wait until you notice these symptoms, the U-joints may already be damaged.
That’s why it’s important that your vehicle’s U-joints be periodically inspected and lubricated. At the same time, a technician should thoroughly inspect the driveshaft and other connected components.
Keep your U-joints in good shape, and both of U will continue to enjoy years of reliable transportation.
All Things Automotive & Diesel Service
1997 Walton Ave #C
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Lubricate Driveshaft
Posted September 22, 2024 2:15 AMSee if any of these are happening to your vehicle. You feel it vibrating excessively underneath when it’s running, or you hear strange clunking, grating, or grinding sounds coming from beneath. Maybe it’s hard to turn your vehicle, or you can hear squeaking when you’re going slow. Perhaps you feel a shudder when you step on the throttle.
Any of those could be signs that your vehicle’s driveshaft might need lubricating, and it’s important to have one of our technicians check it out. Your vehicle’s engine puts out a lot of twisting power. That force is called torque, and the driveshaft is the part that handles the job of transferring all that torque from your engine to the wheels. If it’s a four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle, it will have driveshafts front and rear.
Some driveshafts have different segments which are connected by couplings called U-Joints. So that everything can glide along fine, that whole assembly needs to stay well lubricated. Our technician can inspect the driveshaft and U-joints to make sure there aren’t any broken or excessively worn parts.
Many manufacturers recommend servicing and lubricating the driveshaft at certain intervals, and it’s important to keep on that schedule. It’s essential because poor lubrication can lead to a failure while you are driving, possibly causing other expensive parts to fail. Not keeping your driveshaft lubricated or failing to maintain it regularly is the top cause of driveshaft problems.
All Things Automotive & Diesel Service
1997 Walton Ave #C
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Motor Oil?The Synthetic Advantage (Synthetic oil vs Conventional)
Posted September 15, 2024 2:15 AMYou’ve probably already heard that regular oil changes are extremely important for the health of your vehicle’s engine. That’s sound advice. But what you might not know is when it comes to motor oil, the real thing may not be the best thing for your engine.
There are different types of motor oil:
• Conventional oil, extracted from the ground and refined.
• Synthetic oil, manufactured from high-quality base oils and artificially-made chemical compounds.
• Synthetic oil blend, a mixture of conventional and synthetic oils.
The first thing you need to know is that most new engines require synthetic oil. If synthetic oil is recommended for your car – you MUST use it.
For the rest, there are many advantages to using synthetic oil over conventional oil.
• Synthetic oil provides better protection for your engine while helping it to perform better.
• Conventional oil breaks down over time, while synthetic oil lasts longer.
• Synthetics can stand higher temperature extremes, both heat, and cold.
Synthetic oil can be a better choice if you live in an extremely hot or cold climate or put a lot of strain on your engine by towing or carrying heavy loads. It also may be good for older engines that sometimes have a tendency to develop sludge.
Synthetic oil is a more expensive option, but you likely won’t have to have your oil changed as often. Some synthetics are recommended to last 10,000-15,000 miles/16,000-24,000 km between changes.
You might also consider a synthetic blend that gives you some of the advantages of synthetic oil at a lower cost. Have a talk with your service adviser about recommendations for what will best suit your vehicle and driving habits.
It’s interesting to note that in recent years, more than one out of two vehicle owners are opting for synthetic oil or a synthetic blend when they get their oil changed. Sounds like they’re on to something. In the long run, if you have fewer oil changes with synthetics, you’ll use less oil, a bonus for our environment.
All Things Automotive & Diesel Service
1997 Walton Ave #C
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Bump in the Road (Alignment)
Posted September 8, 2024 2:15 AMThere's something you can do that helps your tires last longer, wear more evenly and your vehicle handle better. "Sign me up," you say! Wondering what that is? It's aligning your wheels, and it will literally point you in the right direction when it comes to a better and safer driving experience.
When your vehicle was designed, the engineers made sure your tires were all pointing the same way by designing the suspension to make optimal contact with the road. That way the ride is smooth, you don't feel vibrations or shimmying and your vehicle travels in a straight line, without pulling to one side or the other.
Unfortunately, your vehicle is not brand new; time and distance take their toll. After hitting countless bumps, potholes, or the occasional curb, your suspension gets knocked a little out of kilter. Those precise angles the engineers planned on for your vehicle? They get out of whack
Uneven or premature tire wear is one of the first signs your alignment may be off. If you are driving straight and your steering wheel isn't pointing straight, that's another indication alignment might need checking. Tire squealing can also be a clue.
When you bring your vehicle in for an alignment, we use equipment designed to measure the tilts and angles of your suspension's parts. The technician will also check to see if any of the vehicle's suspension components are worn or broken. We will also check your steering angle sensor to make sure it's set properly.
The process is different for vehicles that are front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, or 4-wheel drive.
After your alignment, your tires should wear more evenly, your steering should be straight and your wheels vibration-free. If it's been a while since you've had your vehicle aligned, bring it in and we'll check it. Usually, your alignment will be a little off after one or two years of driving, and it's wise to follow your vehicle manufacturer's recommendation for how often your model should be checked.
All Things Automotive & Diesel Service
1997 Walton Ave #C
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Easy on the Wheel (Power Steering)
Posted September 1, 2024 2:15 AMSteering a vehicle these days doesn't take much effort, but if you got behind the wheel back before power steering was invented, you'd need to practically have the strength of Hercules to turn the wheel.
The first power steering systems widely available changed everything. Chrysler introduced its Hydraguide power system in 1951. The "hydra" was for a hydraulic pump. It pressurized fluid that multiplied the force applied to the steering wheel so it was easier to turn the wheels on the ground. That pump got power from a belt attached to the engine, but unfortunately it wasted a lot of energy in the process. Plus, the system of hoses and pumps required a fair amount of maintenance and repair. Some say this system provides the most "natural" steering experience of power systems.
Recently, automakers have turned to electric power steering. It gets its power from the car's electrical battery and charging system and uses an electric motor to turn the wheels. Since it's not powered by the mechanical energy of your vehicle's engine, electric power steering increases fuel economy. Electric power steering also doesn't require hoses and fluids, meaning there are fewer things that can go wrong. That means less maintenance.
There's a third system that combines both of the others, called electro-hydraulic power steering. In this system, the hydraulic power steering pump is powered by an electric motor and, some say, gives the driver that more natural feel of hydraulic systems.
Because steering is so important for the safe operation of any vehicle, it's essential to make sure yours is working the way it should. Different types of systems require different kinds of upkeep. Regular, scheduled maintenance according to the manufacturer's recommendations should help keep your steering in top shape so you can avoid any sudden steering failures. Bring your vehicle to us so a technician can inspect your steering system. And, of course, if you notice any steering problems, make an appointment right away to have those issues looked at. Now that's one stop that makes sense!
All Things Automotive & Diesel Service
1997 Walton Ave #C
Idaho Falls, ID 83401